
::ode to capitalism

Oh Ikea, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways:

1- You let me buy rugs that cost less than a meal out with my husband.
2- You let me shop for 2 hours straight without getting bored or tired once.
3- You offer products that are not only cost efficient but actually cute. Go figure.
4- You smell of cinnamon buns as I walk out your doors.
5- You make DIY projects a manageable task to those who are less eager to take on projects.
But oh Ikea, must you be so stingy? Why will you continually refuse to ship the vast majority of your products?! Or if you insist on this...why can't you multiply? This mirror would have gone perfectly in my bedroom and I would have gladly handed over the cash. Unfortunately, my car is too small (and at that point, far too full) to carry this home with me. I considered duct taping it to the top and just holding onto it through the window. *sigh

Well, I got what I could ;)