

So, I've now seen this twice...

New trend spotting? Repurposing your dish towels as cafe curtains in your kitchen. The other time I saw this, they had actually sewn up the top of the dish towel to turn it into a pole pocket style curtain. I have to say....I like it! Maybe that white sailor curtain will have to come down one of these days...


Caitlyn said...

i have two tea towels as window treatments in our kitchen.

they are big flour sack tea towels, that my mom monogrammed for me. and they each happened to be the width of my windows.

the previous renter left a cafe rod hanging and so i draped the towels over them. definitely a cheapie solution, but they made my kitchen look happy! and cost me nothing.

Caitlyn said...

so funny! i looked at the photo again, and realized i have the towel on the right. a dear friend gave it to me along with some other fun antrhopologie kitchen treats as a wedding present.

basically, i love this post!

Andrea said...

Ooh, I bet those flour sack towels are adorable! You should post a picture of them! I'd love to see it.