12:00am - Old Navy (aside from Target...this was the longest line outside a store...shocked? Yes, so was I) Waited in line here for an hour an a half. Worth it? Yep.
2:00 am - Walmart (didn't actually buy anything here but my friends cleaned out the DVDs)
3:00 am - Kohls (not nearly as busy so I was able to get everything I wanted out of the 5 they had! Woot!)
4:00 am - Target (met up with Aaron who had been standing in line since 2. He was determined to get the Xbox and he did! I also cleaned UP here! I think I got 5 gifts. We actually RAN through the store and picked up everything we were dying to get. Checked out. Then our friends showed up from getting coffee and we went through the store AGAIN. lol...I know. This time we waited in line for a long time, but again...it was totally worth it.)
5:30 am - Drive by Pet Smart to see if it's opened. Nope. Oh well.
6:00 am - Breakfast at Chickfila. Long standing tradition of the black Friday shoppers. It's always the best after staying up all night. Definitely feeling tired at this point.
6:45 am - Impromptu stop at Lowes. I think there were maybe 10 other people in the store and the employees looked way to chipper. Picked up last gift of the morning.
7:15 am - All the gifts are thrown in the house, shoes kicked off, and I'm in the bed. :D

Did any of you shop this Friday? How did you do?
I am tired and excited remembering all of this fun. Chickfila may be my favorite part, but you adding the pet store made me laugh.
Us standing outside Michael's/pet store - when do they open?
Random people - insert some number that came after Chick-fil-a's opening time
Us- peace out! It's chicken biscuit time!!!
Haha. Pretty much :) Us: "Nope...see you suckers later!"
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