
::spare me the vanity

One of the fun, and maybe not-so-great, aspects of gift shopping is finding many lovely little things for yourself. Here are a few things I would spend some money on:

Polaroid film - Aaron's parents gave me their old Polaroid SX-70 camera for my birthday this year and I'm dying to try it out!

Perfume - I can't remember where I saw this scent but it's a mixture of sparkling grapefruit, fresh lime and warm cedarwood, softened in a base of rich Madagascar vanilla. Yum!

Modern Family - This is definitely one of the shows I'll watch over and over.

Rainboots - I won't lie. I already have some. But these are cuter.

Sheets - Boring as it is, I've loved these since the day the came out. And no...in several, several months they still have yet to go on sale. Leave it to West Elm...

What about you? Anything you've found for yourself ;) Go ahead...no shame.

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