
::coming soon

I'm trying to catch my breath a little bit after this weekend. I wish I could say it was all fun...but it was mostly work. Here are some tidbits:

- Discovered the Home & Garden channel on Hulu. This is completely the reason we don't have cable. I go into hiding and watch all these makeover shows and Aaron doesn't ever get to see me.
- When I speak of work this weekend, I mean I painted the dining room. Yes! It only took me a year to motivate myself. Can't wait to see what it looks like when I get all the furniture back in the room
- There will be a first ever (to a hopefully, soon-to-be installment) of a guest's DIY makeover. My friend Kim is redoing a desk for her room and it will be featured here!
- Went to the farmer's market this weekend. This will quickly become a weekend routine I think.
- If I need to call you/facebook message you and haven't, I promise...I'll catch up this week!

How were your weekends? Productive like mine or lazily wonderful?


Lee said...

say more about the farmer's market! where exactly is it? i sort of know, but not really and yesterday we were just talking about where to buy our produce.

Andrea said...

There are a couple actually. The one I go to is at the Agricenter. If you come in the entrance from Germantown, it's the building directly in front of you. There's a big sign there. Another farmer's market is downtown on South Main at the train station. There's also another one in the Cooper Young area. I believe they're only open on Saturday's til about 5ish?

Maria said...

Also one in Arlington