
::one small step

I actually did it, ladies (and possibly gentlemen). I found some kitchen lighting. *Cue music from Chariots of Fire* I never thought the day would come. I actually found it at Lowes. And wouldn't you know it, it was on the end of the aisle, and I must have walked passed it 100 times without noticing it. Oh well. For a whopping $84, this baby was mine!

Before (bye bye random ceiling fan in my kitchen):

After (you'll have to excuse the low lighting. If I turned on the light, all that would photograph was a glowing ball of light...I also feel the need to apologize for the mess on the table. I had just got groceries):

Here it is lit up. The shade is actually light beige. It looks more white in the above picture. It's Super bright too. It has to very small fluorescent light bulbs so we've definitely not lost any light in that room. High Five!

I had been out all day running errands and when I had gotten home, Aaron already had it hung up in the kitchen. Of course when I walk into the den, he's asks"Do you like it?" And I respond, "Well...what do you think?" acting really hesistant about it. You could just see him thinking (No way...I'm not taking it back down...she'll have to live with this mess...) Haha...but I Love it. He was sweet to get it put up all by himself. Yay husband!

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