1- Went to the circus Friday. Very fun. Felt a little out of place without a 3 year old attached to my side...but whatevs ;)
2- Got a smart phone and new cell service. SO much fun. I'm always the last to join in the tech movement (ex: I didn't get an iPod til maybe last year sometime...and by "get" I mean take Aaron's...and by "Aaron's" I mean the old one he bought in college. Think back to when it was a novelty to actually have a color screen.) So, for us to have Internet on our phones is just an amazement :) We've been having Scrabble battles. So far we're tied.
3- Actually went to the Singing Christmas Tree. I haven't been in many, many years so it was fun. My nephew was playing "little boy" Jesus and my niece was playing "baby" Jesus. Oh they were just so cute. If you saw them you'd melt.
4- I'm kinda wanting to go to the Enchanted Forest here. I haven't been since I was really young and I think it could be fun. That and zoo lights.
5- I feel like I've been a serious Grinch lately. I haven't had time to sit down and really enjoy everything about the season this year. But with Christmas day quickly approaching and the minute snow we had the other day...I'm starting to get excited. Our stockings are filled, the ornaments have stayed on the tree(for the most part), and wrapped gifts are sitting in our guest room (far away from kitty). Let the festivities begin!

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