
::two faces, two sides

With the joy that comes with the busy times of a fall schedule, there follows a few more headaches, late nights and errands missed. All this to say, pardon the lack of posting lately. Life is in full swing right now and it's hard to keep up sometimes ;) I do have to say for the record that I often feel very blessed even when it gets a little more busy. It's so great to have 4 loads of laundry to do and a lovely bathroom to clean. Have you ever just stopped and looked in your pantry to realize how much you actually do have. Very overwhelming if you let yourself think about it a moment.

So, join with me won't you? In the midst of this time...where the projects will be delayed, the errands might get run in a day or two, where the floor will stay dirty just one more day and you eat that PB & J for lunch...remind yourself of everything that's filling up your time. Outings with precious friends and family. Time spent just in awe of everything God has given you. Get refreshed. Then get those groceries :)

1 comment:

Lee said...

good thoughts. sometimes the greatest sign of life being enjoyed is the dirty floor or the piles of laundry. but i eat that pb&J even on my "good" days. yum =)