
::eye candy

How much do I want this chair?

Not enough to spend $3125...but it's sure pretty!

Happy Weekend everyone!


me..... said...

the chair? or a trip to the Virgin Islands? just think....clean water, fresh healthy seafood and your man!

Lee said...

Ballard Designs has chairs just like that. you can send them fabric you like and Wah-Lah, you've got your dream chair. If you can manage to find a fabric just like that one. . .or similar.

I've heard the Virgin Islands are AWESOME! Way better than Bahamas. I say go.

Brandi said...

Any future children would just wipe boogers on it or throw up on it!!!! :)

Andrea said...

Yah, I've actually seen those chairs at Ballard. Beautiful...but again, more than I'd care to pay. And thanks for the perspective Brandi ;)