

I'll come back to posting "regularly" next week. This is a bit of a break week for me. The house is still relatively clean after the weekend festivities and I've felt no need to do any dishes or anything of that sort since Sunday. I started playing a Nintendo game and I shouldn't have because now I want to play it all the time. *sigh It is alot of fun though...and to my defensive the game is basically several logic/mind puzzles to help solve a mystery. So, I am using my brain *_*

This weekend went off without a hitch (well, there might have been a hitch or two). Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. :) When my nephew came over to the house on Sunday he looked up at some "streamers" I had put up and said "Birthday?" :) SO cute. This coming weekend will be filled with dinners, nail appointments and photographs. It'll be alot of fun. I'll post some pictures when I come back!

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