Anthropologie is officially opening March 19th here in Saddle Creek. Get in line ladies...I'll see you there on Friday!
In more selfish and non-applicable to you readers good news, I've gotten alot accomplished around the house. The bar stools in the kitchen got recovered. I finally found a good "throw" (aka rug that I re purposed) for the white couch in the den for kitty to sleep on. Gray cat + white couch = grey couch. You better believe I'll make it work to keep my white couch! We went to Lowe's last night and picked up some paint for that side table in the den as well as flower and vegetable seeds. That's right...we're going to garden! I got a peony plant to put in the front yard, snap dragons (*I think*) to put around the mailbox, and dwarf sweet pea for a planter in the backyard. We also got some tomato, pepper and strawberry seeds to try our hand at growing some of our own food. I'll let you know how it goes! Yay for Spring!
What about you? Are you into the gardening thing? Have any useful tips for new planters like us?
Well, the hubby is looking forward to planting stuff and making the yard all nice. I can't say I've caught the bug. Trying though =)
I had trouble trying to grow strawberries. Maybe it's the hot desert. Yellow squash and zucchini seem to do really well for me. Trying black beans and cilantro this year, too, and Mark bought me one of those topsy turvy tomato plant things. We've also got blackberry bushes growing this year~don't know if we will get any fruit this summer, though. I would love to add grapevines sometime as they are perfect for the desert. Already have apple flowers--hoping for a good crop. :)
Good luck with growing! Wish I had some amazing tips, but I am still learning so much.
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