
::feels good to be home

So we're back. I can honestly say I've never been so happy to be home. The trip was kind of a bust. I'll just save you the phone call (for like the 2 people I haven't talked to...you guys are quick with the calls!) We had bad winds for the better part of the cruise thus cancelling all port excursions AND the stop to Jamaica. Ah well. Chalk it up to experience, I suppose. Just wish it hadn't cost that much to find out that cruises were boring. Moving on...

Target is going to have a new line of home decor/accessories coming in mid-March that I'm very exicted about. Think Anthropologie but with half the price tag!

Photo credit: apartment therapy


caitlyn said...

um yes! i've loved the dwellstudio for target stuff. this looks even more fun!

sorry the cruise was a bust.

Lee said...

a bust really? aw. well just the thought of a cruise freaks me out. no desire.